I love this thinking. From the design and flourishing perspectives, it certainly represents the altruistic ideal. An inspiration. A vision. The reality of life and business make incremental change more pragmatic…. And less inspiring.

Where I see the real opportunity is aligning on a broad framework that business and government could adopt, apply, and use to influence policy. Think the LX version of ESG and nutrition labels. In parallel, the design framework would work on a narrower scope, yet more broad and aspirational than today. Almost a starburst overlay on your chart (narrower as it moves out on the axes). Certainly, there are inherent limitations, but it’s our responsibility to continue advancing. The hope would be that together, they would work in concert to move us in the right direction.

There’s something exciting and promising here!

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Thanks Ami -> this policy angle is interesting. I definitely think the whole life experience framework feels too big to be pragmatic, but I am open to ideas on how it might set a direction for meaningful expansion. In other words, motivating designers to broaden their perspective, even if only a little, in whatever way possible on a project-by-project basis.

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Wonderful piece. Definitely whenever I use single use plastic I think about how this has been optimized for my few seconds of enjoyment and in total disregard for the centuries of consequence for living systems.

I guess the cynic in me fears that without these other life systems being represented economically this type of design will stay in the fringe—because what is profitable is to optimize for the paying user.

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Thanks Alexandra. Yeah I don’t know if that’s cynical, I think it’s pretty realistic. Sometimes I wrestle with whether it’s more possible to completely overhaul these big immovable systems or to incrementally change them from within.

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Reading this I realize that if I accept the world as it is, I am able to see what is in my ability to do. Incremental change is probably my only option.

The LX lens is very powerful, I wish you great success in spreading it far and wide.

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Great piece, Jay!

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